Terms of sale will be published with the publication of the E-shop
Aukční podmínky
Auction terms ANTIUM AURUM here
Annex 1
Information on the processing of personal data by ANTIUM AURUM s.r.o., with its registered office at Šaldova 219/1, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic, ID: 27565629, Tax ID. No. CZ27565629, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in section C, Insert 114287 (the “Company”) as the controller of the personal data according to the GDPR Regulation.
The Company process and keep the personal data obtained directly from the respective natural persons registered for an auction or using other services of the Company, and from the auction participants and its customers. Also, the personal data from public sources (including information from the social networks and the Internet, which the respective subjects have disclosed themselves), from surveys or from the cooperating third parties (in particular the operators of the auction platforms through which participants can participate in the auction). In particular, the Company processes the personal data provided in the Registration Form and eventually, any other personal data, which are obtained in relation to the auction, and personal data obtained in relation to the provision of other services (e. g. a purchase of goods in e-shop or in brick-and-mortar-shop, provision of the information regarding goods).
The personal data processed by the Company include in particular the name and surname, birth certificate number, date of birth, contact details, information on interest in goods, auction or other services of the Company and auction platforms, information regarding the use of the services of the Company and auction platforms, transaction details, information obtained from the Internet browser, which the subject uses, and the details, which the Company processes for fulfilment of its legal obligations or for the purpose of its legitimate interests.
All personal data are processed by the Company for the specified purposes, and such personal data are never processed in a way that is incompatible with such a purpose.
In compliance with the GDPR Regulation, the Company particularly processes the personal data for the following purposes:
i. the performance of the agreement within the realisation of the auction and activities related to the auction,
ii. the performance of the agreement within the provision of other services by the Company,
iii. operation and proper functioning of the auction portals,
iv. sale of goods and provision of services within the brick-and-mortar shop and e-shop,
v. protection of the Company’s legitimate interests, or
vi. fulfilment of other statutory obligations e.g. under the AML Act (including storing, amendments thereto, search, selection, combination, analysis and liquidation of the personal data).
In connection with the execution of the combined and Internet auctions, the Company uses third parties to process the personal data necessary for the implementation of the auction, namely inova GmbH (Friedrich-Ebert-Str.75, 51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) – (AUEX, iNumis).
The processing of personal data for the purposes of marketing its services by electronic mail or otherwise is carried out by the Company based on the consent of the data subjects.
Based on the consent of the data subjects, the Company transfers personal data to third parties for the purpose of marketing their services by electronic mail or otherwise, namely to the following auction platform operators:
1. inova GmbH (Friedrich-Ebert-Str.75, 51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) – (AUEX, iNumis)
In the event of personal data processing based on consent, the provision of data is entirely voluntary and the given consent may be withdrawn at any time.
The Company shall process the personal data for the period of time necessary to meet the purpose of the processing of such data, usually for the period of 5 years from the registration to the auction held by the Company, from using of other services of the Company or from the moment of conveying the details to the Company from a different reason by the respective subject. This does not affect the obligations of the Company to process and keep the personal data under special legal regulations (e.g. accounting or tax regulations).In the event of withdrawal of the consent with the processing of personal data, or request for the termination of the processing, the Company shall immediately terminate the processing of such data unless the Company has any other title for the processing of such data resulting from the legal regulations.
At any time during the processing of personal data, the Company shall allow the data subjects to exercise their rights granted to them by the GDPR and the related legal regulations. Such rights include, in particular, (i) the right of access to personal data (Article 15 of the GDPR), (ii) the right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR), (iii) the right to erasure – “right to be forgotten”(Article 17of the GDPR), (iv) the right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR), (v) the right to notification made to the recipients of personal data regarding rectification, erasure or restriction of processing (Article 19 of the GDPR), (vi) the right to data portability(Article 20of the GDPR), and (vii) the right to object to processing (Article 21 of the GDPR). These rights may be exercised via e-mail at the address info@antiumaurum.czor in writing at the Company’s registered address at Šaldova 219/1, 186 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic.
The subject may also submit a complaint regarding the personal data processing to the Office for Personal Data Protection via e-mail to the address or in writing to the address of the Office for Personal Data Protection at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic.INFORMACE O ZPRACOVÁNÍ OSOBNÍCH ÚDAJŮ SPOLEČNOSTÍ ANTIUM AURUM s.r.o.
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You can consign your coins, medals, tokens and banknotes to our auctions

We accept coins, medals, tokens and banknotes for our indoor and online auctions anytime. Our auctions take place on the internationally recognized AUEX platform and are presented on the most important numismatic websites.
We can arrange NGC and PMG certification for you

We accept coins, medals and tokens for NGC certification (Numismatic Guaranty Corporation) and notes for PMG certification (Paper Money Guarantee), independent members of the Certified Collectible Group.
Offer of supplies for collectors in the store ANTIUM AURUM

In our shop ANTIUM AURUM in Prague Karlin you will find a offer of the most used items for collectors of coins, medals and banknotes, mainly from the German company Leuchtturm, which has been producing supplies for collectors for more than 100 years.